What to Look for in a Yoga Studio?

If you are looking for a yoga studio, it is important to know what to look for. Not all studios are created equal, and each has its own unique benefits and drawbacks.

In this blog post, we will discuss the essentials that you should look for in a yoga studio. This information will be helpful if you are a beginner or an experienced yogi!

10 Essentials to Look for in a Yoga Studio 

You’ve just moved to a new town, and you’re looking for a yoga studio. Here are 10 things you should look for when choosing a yoga studio!

1. Try a few classes

More often than not, you’ll know if a yoga studio is a good fit within the first few classes. Sampling a variety of instructors will give you a feel for the overall culture of the studio. 

2. Instructors

Speaking of instructors, it’s important to find ones that resonate with you. Everyone is different, and finding an instructor whose style and vibe match your own will make your experience that much more enjoyable. In addition to that, it’s important to find instructors who are certified and have liability insurance. 

3. Amenities

Does the studio offer props, such as blankets and blocks? Do they have showers and changing rooms? Is there street parking available? These things might not seem like deal breakers, but they can definitely make your life easier. 

4. Location

Ideally, you want to find a studio that’s close to home or work. This makes it more likely that you’ll actually go! 

5. Pricing

Studios typically offer a variety of pricing options, from drop-in rates to monthly memberships to class packages. Choose whichever option works best for your budget. 

6. Atmosphere

When you walk into the studio, does it have a calming feeling? Is it well-lit? Is it clean? You want to find a place that feels good energetically as well as physically. 

7. Schedule

Does the studio offer classes at times that work for you? If you’re only available on weekends, make sure they offer classes then! 

8. Class offerings

Most studios offer more than just yoga classes. Many also offer meditation classes, Sound Baths, Reiki healing sessions, etc. If there are other services that interest you, make sure the studio offers them! 

9. Retreats

Many studios also offer retreats, both locally and internationally. This is a great way to deepen your practice while also exploring new places! 

10. Community events

Most studios host community events such as potlucks and movie nights. These events are usually free or cheap, and they’re a great way to meet people in your community who share your interests! 


There are so many things to look for in a yoga studio! With these 10 essentials in mind, you should be able to find a place that’s perfect for YOU!