Why Does Yoga Make You Nauseous?

You’re feeling sick after doing yoga? You’re not alone. In fact, it’s a pretty common experience for many people. So, why does yoga make you nauseous? Don’t worry-we’ve got you covered!

There can be tons of reasons, You eat too full or eat nothing, dehydrated, low blood sugar, and on on. In this post, you will find 8 possible reasons why you feel sick during or after doing yoga.

And here are some tips on how to prevent feeling nauseous. Let’s start now!

The Reasons Why You Feel Sick After Doing Yoga

If you are feeling sick after doing yoga, it could be because you ate too full, are starving, have a full liver of toxins, the class is too intense, etc. Here more:

1.     You eat too full

Feeling nauseous can be caused by many things, such as eating too much or being heavy before you do yoga. When this happens, it puts too much pressure on your digestive system and may result in vomiting.

Doctors often suggest eating lightly and avoiding big meals before yoga or any other strenuous activity. This will help you avoid feeling nauseous during your practice.

To avoid this, make sure to eat properly and eat lightly before doing any type of yoga class.

2.     You are starving

That’s because you use a lot of energy when you do yoga. And when you’re hungry, your body doesn’t have enough energy to do everything it needs to do.

When empty stomachs, it’s hard to do some of the poses correctly. Your body is trying to conserve energy. When you do yoga, you are using a lot of energy. This can make you feel sick if you are already hungry.

3.     Your liver is full of toxins

As any yogi knows, yoga is more than just a workout–it’s a way of life. But what you may not know is that your liver is full of toxins and you will feel sick when doing yoga.

Here’s why: when you twist and contort your body into all those crazy positions, your liver gets congested and doesn’t function as efficiently. This can lead to a build-up of toxins in your system, which can make you feel nauseous, dizzy, and lightheaded.

So if you’re feeling under the weather after your latest yoga session, it might not be the flu–it could be your liver telling you to take it easy!

4.     The class is too intense

When you’re working out, your body releases toxins that can build up in your system if you’re not careful.

And, if you push yourself too hard in a yoga class, you can end up over-stretching your muscles and this can lead to cramps and another discomfort.

And finally, if the room is too hot or poses too challenging, you can feel nauseous or lightheaded.

So next time you’re considering a yoga class, go ahead and give it a try – just be sure to listen to your body and take it easy if you start to feel sick.

5.     You are dehydrated

Yoga can make you sweat. sweating can lead to dehydration, making you feel lightheaded, nauseous, and even dizzy. Second, you may be holding your breath while doing yoga.

When you sweat, you lose fluids. But unlike other forms of exercise, yoga is slow and steady. So by the time you start feeling dizzy and lightheaded, it’s too late – you’re already dehydrated.

So next time you hit the mat, make sure to drink plenty of water beforehand. Otherwise, you might just take a nap instead of a Yoga class.

6.    You get devoid of oxygen

When you do yoga, you invariably end up doing some sort of inversion. Inversions are when your head is below your heart.

When you’re in this position, the blood that usually goes to your head has to work against gravity to get there. The result is that you feel lightheaded and maybe even nauseous.

That’s why it’s recommended that you don’t eat a big meal before doing yoga. If you do end up feeling sick, just take a break and relax in child’s pose until the feeling passes.

7.    You are removing toxins

When we sweat, our bodies release toxins that can make us feel nauseous and lightheaded.

However, these same toxins can also help to improve our overall health by flushing out impurities and boosting our immune system.

So, the next time you feel sick after a yoga session, remember that it’s a sign that your body is working hard to remove toxins. And who knows, with a little practice, you might even start to enjoy the feeling.

8.     Low blood sugar

When your blood sugar is low, you may feel sick when doing yoga. This is because when your blood sugar is low, you may feel lightheaded, dizzy, or even nauseous.

If you have diabetes or another condition that causes your blood sugar to be unstable, it’s important to take measures to keep it within a healthy range before doing yoga.

This may include eating a balanced meal beforehand or taking medication as prescribed.

What Should You Do to Prevent the Nauseous?

To prevent these things from happening, eat right before you start, take breaks during your yoga class, and stay hydrated.

1. Eat right before you start

If you’ve ever done yoga before, you know that feeling sick afterwards is all too common. In fact, it’s so common that there’s a name for it: the yogi flu. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to prevent it.

First, make sure to eat right before you start your practice. A light snack or smoothie will do the trick. Second, be sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your session. And lastly, take it easy at first. Ease into your practice and don’t push yourself too hard.

If you follow these simple tips, you’ll be feeling better in no time.

2. Take breaks when you do yoga

If you push yourself too hard during a yoga session, you may end up feeling lightheaded or even nauseous. This is because yoga can increase your heart rate and blood flow, which can lead to low blood sugar levels and dehydration.

To avoid this, make sure to take breaks during your yoga practice, especially if you start to feel dizzy or sick. And of course, be sure to drink plenty of fluids before and after your yoga session to stay hydrated.

With a little care and attention, you can enjoy all the benefits of yoga without making yourself sick in the process!

3. Stay hydrated

If you don’t stay hydrated during and after class, your body can become dehydrated, which can lead to nausea and other symptoms. Secondly, some people are simply more sensitive to the heat and energy of a yoga studio than others.

If the room is too hot or the energy is too intense, it can make you feel lightheaded or nauseous. Finally, some people have an inner ear condition that can be aggravated by certain yoga poses.

If you experience dizziness or nausea during class, it’s best to stop and rest in child’s pose until you feel better. And of course, be sure to drink plenty of water afterwards!

4. Keep your eyes open 

When you do yoga, it’s important to keep your eyes open. Otherwise, you might start feeling sick. That’s because yoga uses a lot of core muscles, and when you close your eyes, your body isn’t able to stabilize itself as well.

So, if you’re looking to avoid feeling sick during yoga, make sure to keep your eyes open and focus on your breath. You might also want to try doing yoga in a well-ventilated room to help prevent nausea.


If you’re feeling sick after doing yoga, it might be because of one of the reasons why we outlined. Don’t worry though – we have some solutions for you!

To prevent nausea, try eating right before you do yoga, taking breaks during your practice, and staying hydrated. You should also keep your eyes open to avoid getting dizzy. For more tips on how to stay healthy while practicing yoga, head over to our website.