How Should You Do Yoga for Anger Management?

If you struggle with anger, you may find that yoga can be a helpful tool for managing your emotions. Yoga can help to calm the mind and body, and can also provide a sense of inner peace.

There are many different yoga poses that can be beneficial for anger management, and it is important to find a practice that works for you.

Can Yoga Help With Anger Issues?

Can Yoga Help With Anger Issues

Yoga is all about mindfulness—being present in the moment and focusing on your breath. When you’re practicing yoga, you can’t be angry and focused on your breath at the same time.

The very act of being present and focusing on your breath helps to calm the mind and body, which can be helpful when you’re feeling angry.

In addition, yoga helps release muscle tension, which can also help reduce anger. 

Yoga isn’t a magic bullet for anger management, but it can be a helpful tool in managing your anger. If you’re looking for a new way to deal with your anger, why not give yoga a try?

It just might help you find peace of mind—and maybe even a little inner calm.

How Can I Instantly Reduce Anger?

Feeling anger is a normal emotion that everyone experiences. In fact, some research suggests that anger can even be healthy for you.

However, when anger is not managed correctly, it can lead to problems at work, in your personal relationships, and negatively impact your overall health. If you are looking to instantly reduce anger, here are 8 steps that can help.

1. Disarm yourself emotionally.

This means acknowledging that you are feeling angry and then consciously making an effort to let go of that emotion. One way to do this is to close your eyes and take several deep breaths. As you exhale, imagine all of your anger leaving your body. 

2. Distract yourself from whatever is causing your anger.

If you are angry because you are stuck in traffic, listen to music or an audiobook instead of thinking about how much time you are wasting sitting in your car. If you are angry with a coworker, take a walk around the block or get a cup of coffee instead of dwelling on the situation. 

3. Use humor as a defense mechanism.

When you are feeling angry, try to find something to laugh about. For example, if you spilled coffee on your shirt right before an important meeting, laugh it off and say “well this should make for an interesting presentation!” 

4. Release your anger physically.

Sometimes, the best way to reduce anger is to release it in a safe and healthy way. You can do this by going for a run, hitting a punching bag, or even just screamed into a pillow. 

5. Practice mindful meditation.

Research shows that mindfulness meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. To practice mindful meditation, find a quiet place to sit or lie down and focus on your breath going in and out of your body. If your mind begins to wander, simply bring your focus back to your breath. 

6.Take a Timeout 

When we feel ourselves getting angry, it’s important to take a step back and remove ourselves from the situation if possible. This gives us time to calm down and rethink our approach. If you’re at work and you have a disagreement with a colleague, for example, excuse yourself to go to the restroom or take a walk outside.

If you’re at home and your child is testing your patience, put them in time-out so you can have a few minutes to yourself. Taking a timeout will help you avoid saying or doing something you’ll regret later.

7. Breathe Deeply 

Deep breathing is one of the quickest and most effective ways to calm down when we’re feeling angry. When we’re angry, our heart rate increases and we start to breathe more shallowly, which only makes matters worse.

By taking some deep breaths and focusing on our breath, we can quickly bring our heart rate down and start to feel more relaxed. Try counting to four as you inhale slowly through your nose, then count to four as you exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this several times until you start to feel calmer.

8. Find an Outlet for Your Anger 

While it’s not always possible or healthy to lash out physically when we’re angry, finding an outlet for our anger can help us release some of that built-up tension.

Some people like to hit a punching bag or go for a run when they’re feeling angry; others prefer to scream into a pillow or listen to loud music.

The important thing is to find an outlet that works for you and that won’t hurt yourself or anyone else. Experiment until you find something that helps you let go of your anger without making the situation worse.

How To Find The Right Type Of Yoga For You If You Struggle With Anger?

If you find that you struggle with anger, there are certain types of yoga that may be beneficial for you. Some people find that practices such as restorative yoga or yin yoga can help to calm the mind and ease feelings of anger. Other people may find that a more active practice such as vinyasa flow helps them to release frustration and anger through movement.

The important thing is to experiment and find what works for you. If you’re not sure where to start, a yoga teacher or therapist can help you find the right type of yoga for your needs.

Yoga can be a great way to help you manage anger, but it’s important to remember that it’s only one part of the puzzle. In addition to practicing yoga, make sure to also focus on other healthy coping mechanisms such as deep breathing, relaxation techniques, and positive self-talk. With a little effort, you can learn to control your anger and lead a more peaceful life.


If you’re struggling with anger management, yoga just might be the answer you’re looking for. Practicing yoga can help calm the mind and body, two essential things for managing anger. So, if you’re ready to try something new, grab your mat and give yoga a try. Who knows? You might just find a little bit of inner peace along the way.