How To Sit On A Meditation Cushion?

When you’re first starting out with meditation, it can be tough to know how to sit on a meditation cushion.

It seems like there are a million different ways to do it, and it’s hard to know which is the right way for you.

In this blog post, we will outline the best way to sit on a mediation cushion for beginners. We’ll also discuss some of the benefits of sitting in this position.

How To Sit On A Meditation Cushion In A Way?

Finding the correct posture when you sit on a meditation cushion for the first time is difficult.

There are many different ways of sitting on a cushion, and it may be hard to determine which one is best for you as a beginner.

The following tips will show how to sit on a meditation cushion in the most comfortable way possible.

1. Consider the height of the cushion.

If the cushion is too low, your knees will be higher than your hips, and this can cause pain in your legs.

If the cushion is too high, you may find it difficult to keep your back straight. The ideal height for a meditation cushion is one that allows your knees and hips to be at the same level.

2. Sit on it in a comfortable position.

The most important thing is to keep your back straight. You can do this by sitting up tall and keeping your shoulders relaxed.

It’s also important to keep your hands resting in your lap in a comfortable position. You can do this by cupping your hands together or resting them on your thighs.

3. Focus on your breath.

Breathe in and out slowly and evenly. Pay attention to the sensation of your breath as it enters and leaves your body. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring your attention back to your breath.

You can try some easy postures first, such as sitting on a chair with your back straight, or lying down on your back with your hands resting on your stomach.

Once you’re comfortable with these postures, you can move on to more challenging ones, such as sitting cross-legged on the floor.

How To Know If You’re Doing It Correctly?

If you’re like most people, you probably think there’s only one way to sit on a meditation cushion: cross-legged, with your hands resting in your lap.

But the truth is, there are many different ways to sit on a meditation cushion, and each has its own benefits. So how do you know if you’re sitting on a meditation cushion right?

Here are four key things to look for:

First, your spine should be straight.

This allows for proper breathing and helps prevent back and neck pain.

Second, your hands should be resting comfortably in your lap, with the palms up.

This helps to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Third, your legs should be uncrossed and your feet should be flat on the floor.

This helps to improve circulation and prevent discomfort in the legs and feet.

Finally, your eyes should be closed and your jaw should be relaxed.

This helps to promote inner peace and focus.

If you can check all of these boxes, then congratulations! You’re sitting on a meditation cushion correctly.

5 Postures Recommended To Sit On Mediation Cushion

Here are six meditation posture you can try that are easy for beginners:

1. The Lotus (Padmasana) position

It is the most popular and well-known posture for sitting on a meditation cushion. In this position, your legs are crossed and your hands are resting in your lap with your palms up.

2. The Half Lotus (Ardha Padmasana)

It is a variation of the Lotus position that is easier for beginners. In this position, one leg is crossed over the other, and your hands are resting in your lap with the palms up.

3. The Burmese (Maha Mudra) posture

It is another popular option for sitting on a meditation cushion. In this position, your legs are uncrossed and your feet are flat on the floor in front of you.

Your hands are resting in your lap with the palms up.

4. The Seiza posture

Tihs is a Japanese sitting position that is often used in meditation. In this position, you are kneeling on the ground with your legs tucked underneath you and your hands resting palm-down on your thighs.

5. The Thunderbolt (Vajrasana) posture

It is another popular option for sitting on a meditation cushion. In this position, you are sitting on your heels with your hands resting in your lap with the palms up.


No matter which posture you choose, the most important thing is to be comfortable and to focus on your breath. If you can do that, then you’re doing it right.

So don’t worry if you’re not sitting perfectly still or if your mind starts to wander. Just keep coming back to your breath, and eventually, you’ll find the inner peace you’re looking for.