It IS Ok to Do Yoga with Sore Muscles?

You just had an intense workout and your muscles are throbbing. You’re looking forward to tomorrow’s yoga class, but you’re not sure if it’s a good idea to do yoga with sore muscles.

Yoga can be beneficial for sore muscles, as it can help to stretch and release tension from the muscles. However, it is important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. If you are in pain, stop immediately and consult a doctor.

If you decide to do yoga with sore muscles, start slowly with gentle stretches. Avoid anyposes that require you to put pressure on your sore muscles. As your muscles start to feel better, you can gradually increase the intensity of your yoga practice.

So, Can You Do Yoga with Sore Muscles?

can you do yoga with sore muscles

In fact, some say that it can actually help speed up the recovery process. When you do yoga with sore muscles, you increase blood flow to the area, which helps to flush out lactic acid and other toxins that can lead to stiffness and pain. 

Additionally, the stretchy nature of most yoga poses can help to lengthen muscles that may have been shortened by overuse or exercise. Just be sure to listen to your body and go slowly at first. Modify or skip any poses that cause pain, and always consult with your doctor if you have any concerns. Now go forth and downward dog to your heart’s content!

What Type Of Yoga Is Good For Sore Muscles?

Restorative yoga is a practice that is all about relaxation. It’s perfect for those days (like today) when your body is feeling a little bit (or a lot) worse for the wear.

Restorative yoga is a type of yoga that focuses on relaxation and healing. Unlike other types of yoga, such as vinyasa or Ashtanga, restorative yoga uses props such as blankets, bolsters, and blocks to support the body in each position. This allows the muscles to fully relax, which promotes healing and recovery. 

Restorative yoga is also a slower practice, with each position being held for 3-5 minutes or longer. This gives the muscles time to release tension and sink into a state of deep relaxation. In addition to easing muscle pain, restorative yoga has also been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and boost immunity. 

How Do You Do Yoga When Your Sore?

Starting a yoga practice can be really invigorating, but what do you do when your body is feeling sore? It’s important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard, especially when you’re first starting out. Here are a few tips on how to modify your practice when you’re feeling sore.

1. Start with some basic stretches. 

Soreness is often the result of muscles that are tight and need to be lengthened. Gently stretching the muscles that feel tight can help loosen them up and alleviate some of the discomfort. Try some basic stretches like reaching your arms overhead or doing a forward fold. Hold each stretch for 30-60 seconds and breathe deeply while you’re in each position.

2. Use props. 

If certain yoga poses are causing you pain or aggravating your soreness, try using props to modify the pose. For example, if downward facing dog is causing pain in your wrists or shoulders, try placing your hands on blocks instead of directly on the floor. Or, if Warrior II is bothering your knees, place a blanket underneath them for support. Props can help make yoga poses more comfortable so that you can focus on your breath and relaxation rather than the pain.

3. Take it slow. 

It’s important not to push yourself too hard when you’re feeling sore.try to take it slow and focus on your breath rather than holding each position for a long time. If a certain pose is too painful, come out of it and rest in child’s pose until the pain subsides. It’s also OK to take breaks throughout your practice if you need to; just lie down in savasana (corpse pose) and let your body relax. 

Hot Yoga and Muscle Recovery: The Science 

There’s science to back up the claim that hot yoga helps with muscle recovery. When you subject your muscles to strenuous activity, they become inflamed. The inflammation is a result of your body’s natural response to heal the damaged muscles. However, the inflammation can cause pain and can impede the healing process. 

One study found that heat therapy can actually help reduce inflammation. Researchers believe that the heat helps by dilating blood vessels, which then allows more blood flow to the area and aids in the removal of toxins that contribute to inflammation. 

Another study looked at the effects of infrared radiation on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). DOMS is the muscle pain and stiffness that you feel 24-48 hours after working out. The study found that those who were exposed to infrared radiation had less pain and stiffness than those who weren’t. 

The benefits of hot yoga don’t stop there! Not only can it help with muscle recovery but it can also help improve flexibility. One study found that regular yoga practicecan lead to significant improvements in flexibility. So, if you’re looking to add more flexibility into your life, hot yoga might be a good option for you. 

How To Do Restorative Yoga For Sore Muscles?

How Do You Do Yoga When Your Sore

There are many different restorative yoga poses that can be helpful for easing muscle pain. Below are three of the most effective poses for sore muscles: 

1. Child’s Pose:

This pose is perfect for stretching out the back and shoulders, two areas that often get tight and sore after a workout. To do child’s pose, start on all fours with your knees directly below your hips and your hands placed slightly ahead of your shoulders.

Next, slowly sit back on your heels as you exhale, then lower your forehead to the mat (or whatever surface you’re practicing on).

You can keep your arms extended in front of you or place them by your sides with your palms facing up. Hold this pose for 3-5 minutes or longer. 

2. Supine Twist:

This pose is great for releasing any tension that might be building up in your spine or lower back. It’s also helpful for lengthening the hip flexors, which can get tight after spending hours sitting at a desk or working out hard.

To do supine twist, start by lying on your back with both legs extended straight in front of you. As you inhale, bring your right knee into your chest and place your left hand on theouter edge of your right thigh.

Exhale as you gently bring your right knee across your body to the left side ( keeping both shoulders flat on the ground), then hold this position for 3-5 minutes before repeating on the other side. 

3 . Legs Up The Wall Pose:

This posture is one of the most popular in restorative yoga because it’s so darn relaxing! It’s also great for relieving pain in the low back and hamstrings, which often get tight after running or cycling long distances.

To do legs up the wall pose, start by sitting with one hip close to a wall or piece of furniture that you can prop your legs up against (a sturdy chair works well).

As you exhale, swing both legs up onto the wall/furniture so that they’re pointing straight up towards the ceiling (if this is too much pressure on your low back or hamstrings, bend your knees slightly).

Place your arms by your sides with palms facing up, then relax completely into the posture and breathe deeply for 3-5 minutes or longer . 


If you’re feeling sore, there’s no need to push yourself too hard in your yoga practice. Just focus on stretching out the muscles that feel tight, using props to modify any challenging poses, and taking it slow overall. Remember to listen to your body and rest when you need to; after all, yoga is supposed to be relaxing!