Why Do You Fall Asleep During Meditation and How to Stop?

Do you fall asleep during meditation? This is a common issue that many people face when they start meditating. It can be frustrating, and it can make you feel like you’re not doing it right.

And you may think that there’s something wrong with falling asleep during meditation. They worry that they’re doing it wrong or that they’re not doing it correctly.

In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of sleepiness during meditation and provide some tips on stopping falling asleep!

Is It Ok if You Fall Asleep During Meditation?


Falling asleep during meditation is perfectly normal, and it can actually be a sign that you’re doing it right. When you’re meditating, you’re supposed to be relaxing your body and your mind. If you’re truly relaxed, then it’s not surprising that you might fall asleep.

In fact, falling asleep during meditation can actually be a very positive sign. It means that you’re so relaxed that you’re able to drift off into sleep. 

Of course, there are some downsides to falling asleep during meditation. For one thing, it can make it difficult to stay focused on your breath or your mantra.

Additionally, if you fall asleep in a public place, like at a yoga studio or in a group class, you might snore or make other noises that can disturb the people around you. 

Why Do You Fall Asleep During Meditation?

There are a few reasons why you may fall asleep during meditation.

One reason is that you are not used to sitting still for long periods of time. When you meditate, you are supposed to sit with your eyes closed and focus on your breath. This can be difficult if you are not used to it.

Another reason why you may fall asleep during meditation is because you are not comfortable. You may be sitting in an uncomfortable position, or you may be too hot or too cold. If you are not comfortable, it will be difficult to focus on your breath.

In addition, some people fall asleep during meditation because they are tired. This is especially common if you are meditating at night before bed.

If you are tired, it will be difficult to focus on your breath and stay awake. However, it is important to remember that you should not meditate if you are feeling exhausted.

It also can be you are in deep mediation. When you are in deep meditation, you may feel like you fall asleep because your body is so relaxed.

How Do You Stop Falling Asleep While Meditating?

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to stay awake and get the most out of your meditation session.

1. Sit up straight:

It may seem counterintuitive, but one of the best ways to stay awake while meditating is to sit up straight.

When you slouch, your breathing becomes shallow and your body starts to tense up. This makes it harder to relax, which can lead to falling asleep.

So, make sure you’re sitting up nice and tall with your spine straight. This will help you stay alert and focused.

2. Drink some caffeine:

Caffeine is a natural stimulant that can help keep you awake and focused. Just be careful not to overdo it—too much caffeine can make you jittery and make it hard to concentrate.

A cup of coffee or tea should do the trick.

3. Get moving:

It’s hard to fall asleep when your body is in motion. So, if you start feeling drowsy, try getting up and moving around for a few minutes. Take a walk, stretch, or jump up and down on the spot.

The movement will help wake you up and keep you from nodding off.

4. Focus on your breath:

One of the main reasons people fall asleep while meditating is because they’re not focusing on their breath.

The act of focusing on your breath helps to keep you present and aware of the moment.

It’s also a good way to calm and center yourself if your mind starts racing or wandering off into thoughts about the past or future.

5. Set a timer:

It can be helpful to set a timer for yourself so that you don’t have to worry about falling asleep and missing things going on in the world around you.

Once the timer goes off, it’ll snap you out of any drowsiness and help keep you present for the rest of your meditation session.

6. Practice regularly:

The more frequently you meditate, the easier it will be to stay awake during your sessions.

That’s because regular practice helps train your mind to be more present and aware of the moment-to-moment experience.

So, if falling asleep during meditation is a problem for you, make sure you’re practicing regularly (ideally every day).